Applications: 0index ?? The index you are now reading Applications/Astronomy: A directory of astronomical programs and related files astrocal.arc 109 gnomplot.lzh 96 Star plotting program (mono only) gravcalc.zoo 61 Calculates planetary orbits norad.arc 65 Sattelite tracking program. Color or mono noradsrc.arc 50 Sources for above sat401.lzh 96 Sattelite tracking program ver. 4.01 star2000.lzh 170 Demo fo Starbase 8000. starchrt.arc 22 A star chart, no doubt. stargide.lzh 85 Star guide - color VOYAGER3.ZIP 241 Demo of Voyageur 3. Chart Planets, moons etc. 399 Update to Voyageur. yale.arc 108 The Yale starchart. Applications/AtariWorks a directory of files related to Atari Works aw_alin2.lzh 7 Landscape Printing Template aw_book.txt 2 Announcement Papa Grafiks Guide aw_bscrd.lzh 4 Business Card Template aw_check.lzh 8 Check register (Template and Spreadsheet) aw_flora.lzh 57 Scrapbook file of Floral images aw_frame.lzh 30 Scrapbook file of Frames aw_hminv.lzh 4 Home Inventory system aw_inv.lzh 4 Invoice templates (stw and sts) aw_patch.lzh 6 Patch for Hotwire? aw_praln.lzh 8 Tutorial file for Atari Works aw_rcpbk.lzh 3 Recipe Book for Atari Works aw_rlrs1.lzh 4 Rulers for Atari Works aw_scpbk.lzh 58 How to make Scrapbooks (template and guide) columns.lzh 3 Template for columns 10 Invoice system for Atari Works Applications/Cad: 356 Digital logic design for ST/TT/Falcon 532 DynaCADD 1.56 Demo Version. Applications/Databases: A directory of database programs audio_b.lzh 51 Tracks CD/tape/album library by song cardfile.arc 65 Index card like program cf4_work.lzh 3 Cardfile 4 <--> Atari Works database file converter dm2works.lzh 16 Converts DataManager files to Atari works files easydat_120.lzh 162 Database program (looks pretty good) now with english fastbase.zoo 253 Andy's Fast Database 21 Shareware "teaser" views files on Compton's CD-ROMs nice.lzh 109 German database, mono. quick_db.arc 41 Quick database. Fast, but limited. recipe45.lzh 92 Recipe card database & meal planner. recipe45.txt 1 Description of recipe45.lzh reltree2.lzh 52 Family tree program. sbase.arc 28 Yet another database program. 48 Multimedia Database for Tapes, CD's etc. tcos.arc 55 A database program . A sort of stripped Hypercard. Applications/Dtp: Desktop publishing programs and accessories bjc800.lzh 1 Cannon BJC800 printer driver for Pagestream 2.x calamus.lzh 1080 Demo of Calamus SL chagall.tos art and design package demo. V.good. cfnlist2.lzh 65 Calaums Font Database. fastprt.zoo 3 Printer accelerator for Calamus and HP Laserjet gen_demo.lzh Font editor for calamus demo Demo of outline art 25 Poster Builder. Requires Speedo/FSM GDOS pgs_cfg.lzh 16 Configures PageStream import/export modules pgst2_2b.lzh 298 upgrade Pagestream 2.1 to 2.2b (last version) Applications/Dtp/Clipart: clipart1.zoo 626 Animals, flags, military, symbols, christmas, etc. clipart2.zoo 550 Office, whimsy, sports, etc. clipart3.zoo 549 72 different mac imgs clipart4.zoo 556 Food, more macart, some misc. clipart5.zoo 447 frames, misc others clipart6.zoo 440 All sorts of different stuff clipart7.zoo 392 Icons, cartoons, more clipart8.zoo 542 Cars, animals, etc. clipart9.zoo 415 Teddy bears, more. outline.zoo 83 Re-scalable clipart like things easymove.arc 26 DTP utility easytext.lzh 74 EasyText, a decent PD/shareware dtp package. fastprt.zoo 4 Speeds Calamus printing Applications/Dtp/Fonts: Fonts for use with all of your favorite programs Calamus: Fonts specifically for use with calamus arc.zoo 361 Arc font, not an archiver! blip.arc 208 Blip font cal_fnts.lzh 44 carawbol.cfn flash.cfn gismonda.cfn revue.cfn caligrap.zoo 10 Caligraphy font chanceri.arc 83 Chanceri font chancery.zoo 89 Chancery font cursive.zoo 51 Cursive font dandy.zoo 66 Dandy font fractur.zoo 20 Fractur font gaudy.zoo 24 Gaudy font glip.lzh 164 Complimentary font from FontAbility lucifer2.arc 93 Lucifer font maths.zoo 7 Math symbols micron.zoo 64 Micron font mini_6.arc 14 Mini 6 font seg.zoo 61 Seg font swiss.zoo 261 Swiss font tiempo.zoo 68 tiempo font tiempo12.arc 69 Tiempo 12 point font times.zoo 141 Times font fntinf10.lzh 18 Produces a summary of GEM font files Gdos: Fonts for use with gdos. edit_gdf.lzh 21 Editors for gdos fonts. In German, mono only. gdosfont1.arc 244 Mac fonts converted to gdos format. gdsfonts.zoo 551 Tons o gdos fonts gemfo120.lzh 193 German GDOS font editor with some GDOS fonts gen_demo.lzh 72 Demo of Genus font editor ibm_font.lzh 3 True ibm font. Great with Flash. Pagestream: Pagestream fonts, etc. chancery.arc 23 Pagestream chancery font pgsfe.arc 110 Pagestream font editor tyme_ui.arc 43 Tymes font univ_rmn.arc 40 Universal roman font Speedo: Fonts for use w/ Bitstream SpeedoGDOS 100 Courier dutch801 105 Dutch 92 Schoolbook 77 Swiss 24 Mathamatic and scientific symbols 45 .IMG graphic displays WordPerfect font package idealimg.arc 19 Ideal img file creator n_publis.lzh 7 Controls printer installations in TimeWorks Pub. 2 newsdisk.arc 33 Program for creating user group news letters pgst2_2b.lzh 295 Updates Pagestream to 2.2 for 2.1 owners Applications/For_Kids: Programs especially for (young) children 280 Demo of Art for Kids, color STe only homework.lzh 138 Wordprocessor for kids with multiple fonts kidpub_d.lzh 45 Kid Publisher demo, by DA Brumleve, color only kpaint_d.lzh 34 Kid Paint demo, by DA Brumleve, color only skg_demo.lzh 28 Super Kid Grid demo, by DA Brumleve, color only Applications/Language: Programs relating to spoken languages vocab.zoo 129 Demo version of ST-Vocab and Verbmaster Applications/Math: Mathematical programs 542 Business statistics, highly rated. calc150.lzh 58 Calculator with lots of functions. cl098st.zoo 59 Program assembler for HP48sx classdoc.zoo 57 Docs for cl098st.zoo. 418 Good Mathematica type program, with demo included 53 ST mathematics processor (PD version) gp.zoo 383 Multiple precision interctive calculator lpsolveb.zoo 32 Linear programming solver - binaries lpsolves.zoo 82 Sources for the above. n_anova.lzh 23 Does an AN(alysis) O(f) VA(riance) on your data 85 Solutions to recent pi calc. contest plot172l.zoo 97 john's 2d data/function plotting program solution.lzh 233 Demo of math solver program from Elan Software Applications/Other: miscellaneous applications am.zoo 40 Amortization Schedule Generator. astchef.arc 112 Assistant chef. Color only. Recipe keeper cled122s.lzh 84 Cassette lable editor. A good example of GEM prog concord.arc 139 A bible concordance program crosspro.lzh 37 Crossword puzzle pro. 21 Keeps track of videos (demo, shareware) dotplot.lzh 268 Compares dna molecules pairwise then plots diff. Mono. ger2en30.lzh 218 German to english translator gramaran.lzh 17 Checks text for spelling and grammar errors 114 Maintain a grocery list. Keep track of store prices. 273 Calculates many useful equations in chemisty morse.arc 51 Learn morse code now! morsemag.zoo 26 Yet another morse trainer. newgen.lzh 168 A 'robust' family tree genealogy program ocr13b.lzh 244 Optical Character Recognition; German/English/French.. ocr13c.lzh 245 Optical Character Recognition; update to ocr_13b.lzh puz_demo.zoo 124 Demo of Crossword and Word Search generating programs. spice.lzh 163 Spice circuit simulator spicelin.lzh 228 English version of below? spicln_e.lzh 228 SPICELINE 1.3 demo - graphics postprocessor for Spice st_diary.lzh 56 Monochrome only diary program. Good. stsimon.arc 66 ST Simon. OCR software translat.arc 21 Translater, no dictionaries. typist.arc 123 Randy's port of a unix typing tutorial program videocat.lzh 33 Videotape cataloger, mono/color. 239 German <---> English translator xxxxs.lzh 6 Sequential number generator i.e. raffle tickets, etc. Applications/Spreadsheets: opus200.lzh 207 Quite possibly the best pd/sw ss for the ST. 163 Demo of LDW Power, a Lotus clone for ST sheet_20.lzh 76 Fairly decent spreadsheet program. viscalc.lzh 50 The one that started it all. Not too good. Applications/Wordproc: Wordup: Patches and Genie discussions about Neocept's Word Up word processor co071890.arc 8 Genie notes about Wordup patchlq.arc 3 Patch for Epson LQ driver (for Star 24 pin printers) patchnec.arc 3 Patch for NEC printer driver wdup_ins.arc 20 New (better) Word Up install program from Neocept wordup3.arc 72 Genie notes about Wordup wordup4.arc 95 Genie notes about Wordup wordup5.arc 62 Genie notes about Wordup wordup_6.arc 56 Genie notes about Wordup wupdate4.arc 329 Final Neocept Word Up jumbo patch 1wp2rtf.zoo 13 First word 2 rtf converter dj_wwrtr.lzh 1 Deskjet printer driver for WordWriter epsjet.lzh 4 Epsons MX-80 emulator for Deskjet gram_110.lzh 14 Grammar checker japworpr.arc 201 Japaense word processor 124 Marcel 2.3.4, good WP with Postscript/RTF 166 American dictionary for Marcel 2.3.x p362demo.lzh 458 Demo of Papyrus from HiSoft wp_demo.tos 22 Demo of prg to convert Word Perfect to Word+ and vv. / end of Applications directory/